Barn Reno Part 3. Flooring
With the siding and windows almost complete, the attention has shifted to the interior.
We had a first-ever this week. The gentleman delivering the event chairs looked at the barn and kindly said "Thats a good looking barn". It made our day.
The floor joists and flooring are in for 3 of the 5 barn sections. The floor boards were sawn at a local sawmill using local timber. They have a natural fit with the character of the barn. The mill, Dorion WoodSource, has also kindly agreed to let us use his sawdust in our organic mulch in the lavender fields.
We are a wee bit preplexed why no one ever said "good looking barn" before. Haha :)
Final notes and credit. There was a beloved home on the property also in the 100+yr genre. It nurtured a few generations of relatives and while beloved, it was beyond redemption. Thanks to the surgical precision of the one man wrecking crew known as Mark Kingston, we were able to salvage some lovely large beams. They have, and will continue to find a new home as part of the barn.
Next steps will include some loft work.